

Software development company  


Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 100


Technologie, Internet / IT / Telekom., Finanzdienst. / Versicherung, Dienstleistungen, Handel


Zielgruppe: B to B,B to C - Junior,B to E

100 0  Weltweit


Outsourcing software development is no longer just a trend, but a smart business practice that saves money and opens new horizons in the development world. It saves precious time that might otherwise be spent finding and hiring developers, building a development team, and managing all the processes involved in a project.

According to Statista, the global outsourcing business generated $92.5 billion in revenue in 2019, and demand for outsourcing continues to grow every year. According to Deloitte statistics, companies that outsource can save up to 70% in development costs.


Projektbudget(min): 100€
Tageshonorar: 1000€
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